Episcopalian Leaders Address Church Complicity
by Winnie Varghese, Kelly Douglas, and Stephanie Spellers
Read Up on the Links Between Racism and the Environment
by Somini Sengupta, The New York Times
Back of the Bus: Mass transit, race and inequality
Andrea Bernstein and Nancy Solomon, with Laura Yuen and Casey Miner
Where Do We Go From Here? Race and Inequality in Digital Media
The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB)
Safe Zone 201: Race, Gender, and Sexuality Training Materials
Diversity & Inclusion Office, Alma College
The Gaps Between White and Black America, in Charts
Patrick Sharkey, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, and Yaryna Serkez
White Supremacy is the Pre-existing Condition: Eight solutions to ensure economic recovery reduces the racial wealth gap.
Chuck Collins, Darrick Hamilton, Dedrick Asante Muhammad, and Omar Ocampo
Seeing Myself: Learning to Celebrate Blackness with Photography
by David Leon Morgan, Consumer Reports