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The resources below are grouped into various “bricks” that build up whiteness through systems and structures of racism. Any one of these bricks can provide an accessible entryway into understanding structural racism. By considering them individually, we can begin to see how whiteness functions in particular ways to build up the broader system.
You can start wherever you feel most comfortable. If you’re a teacher, maybe education is your way into this material. If you’re a doctor or nurse, consider healthcare. If you are deeply concerned about sustainability, then environmental justice may be the place for you to start.
But wherever you start, you will find this subject as part of the broader wall of whiteness. Like a wall in which each brick interlocks with another brick to enforce its strength, none of these systems can be considered entirely in isolation, because they affect and reinforce each other. Choose a subject to start with, and work from there to break down whiteness, brick by interlocking brick.
The collected resources here are only a fraction of what is available. If you know of other great resources that should be included, please let us know.